Function useTouchLeaveRadius

A custom React hook for detecting if a touch event has left a specified radius.

Throws an error if the radius parameter is less than or equal to 0.

const ExampleComponent = () => {
const { delta, isLeave, handleTouchStart, handleTouchMove, handleTouchEnd } = useTouchLeaveRadius(20);
return (
Touch and move this element in a mobile browser.
<p>Delta: X: {delta.x}, Y: {delta.y}</p>
{isLeave && <p>You have left the specified radius!</p>}
  • Parameters

    • radius: number

      The radius (in pixels) within which the touch event is considered inside. Must be greater than 0.

    Returns UseTouchLeaveRadiusResult

    An object containing:

    • delta: An object representing the distance moved in the x and y directions.
    • isLeave: A boolean indicating whether the touch event has left the specified radius.
    • handleTouchStart: A callback function to handle the start of a touch event.
    • handleTouchMove: A callback function to handle the movement of a touch event.
    • handleTouchEnd: A callback function to handle the end of a touch event.